Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Indians Buying Gold as an investment

Gone are the days buying gold in the form of Jewelry, now even the common people buys it as coins and makes investment on that.

There are two reasons for that. One is it makes a good profitable investment than any other investments like real estate or share markets, which were treated as reliable and high, two/three fold profit making investments couple of years before.The second reason is the fear that running with the current steep price increase on gold, will be able to buy them when we need it may be after some 10 years.

These two things makes even the low income group to invest on gold by monthly investments, there comes the mutual funds which invests on Gold. This increases the demand of Gold in the market.

There is another major thing which influences the gold price day by day, bullion buyers of gold and the Foreign Bullion Markets.

Regular statistics of gold prices year by year was showing a decrease in prices in the month of December, but the history is changed a bit this year. The prices haven't come down, but staying on its line.

With the given increase rate, as every analyst says Gold may not surprise us reaching its benchmark of 20k per 8gms of 22Ct.

World gold council says to invest on gold as to "Preserve your wealth". I think it is rightly said.

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