Monday, January 24, 2011

Pregnancy diet - donts

Healthy and balanced diet is very important for you and your baby. During pregnancy you would need 300 more calories per day than you normally do. Pregnancy sicknesses like Nausea and vomiting can make things it bit difficult during the first trimester, then you would gradually expertise on what fits your tummy and what not.  But for the baby's development nutritious food and drinking sufficient amount of water is very important.

Please avoid the below things to have a healthy pregnancy and to have a healthy baby...

Drinking alcohol

Junk foods
Deep fried /oily stuffs
Fish with mercury
Raw meat
Raw eggs
Too much of anything(you need to maintain your weight growth in linear pace, since it inclines to your baby's growth)

Also, check with your medical adviser before taking any medication for any illness.Since this can cause any serious health issues.

Try below when you feel sick
Nausea- simple crackers, cereals, breads or pretzels before you get out of bed or when you feel so.
Eat smaller meals more frequently during the day. Avoid greasy, fried foods.
• Diarrhea- Take dietary fibers such as pectin and gums which can absorb extra water in the body. Foods that contain these include applesauce, white rice and oatmeal. Drink lot of juice, avoid artificially flavored ones.
• Constipation- Drink lot of water. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables, green leaves. Make sure whatever you eat is fully cooked.
• Heartburn- Drinking warm water after each meal helps a lot. Also, do not eat in big quantities. rather eat many times in small amount. Try drinking milk before meals and avoiding caffeinated beverages.

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